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    29 Audio Reviews w/ Response

    All 56 Reviews


    i must say this is the first of your songs to scare the $#*t out of me LOL. WAY too loud and distorted. but once i got out from under my table once i realized its safe, the song blew me away! (quite literally but anyway ;P) this song sounds like it will be AWSOME when you finish it. holy crap...NICE!

    gota finish it! i lowered overall cuz of distortion and too loud, but the finished one will DEFINATELY get a 10 if its as awsome as i think it will be.

    Also, i was wondering if you could send me one of your songs (ocean melody, the .flp file) and let me tinkner with it and let me figure out how you did some of those effects. I wont submit it anywhere or anything, i just want to see some of your effects. Also with your permission, i'd like to use it as a theme song for a friends video :P

    anyways, fix this one up and i cant wait for the end result!

    BTW my AIM is greensweatshirt and my email is zeeber85@gmail.com if you needed. hope to hear from you! (if i can't have the FLP file thats cool, just though i would ask)

    DJ Zeeber

    Psybot responds:

    hmm.. yeah. i dont know what i was thinking when i made this one... it sounds really horrible.
    i gotta lower the volume on the kick and do some other things..

    i was trying to make something diverse with the guitar instrument:P
    anyway. if its not gonna be submitted on newgrounds then i would like to have a copy sent by MSN or something.

    i think i have you added on my MSN. havent been online latly but i will log into MSN soon enough.

    use my song. i dont mind... as long as i get credits:P

    Thx for your review:D

    //Psybtronicle Waste\\

    Pretty cool!

    The begining caught my attention right away. It was very well planned out, and gave me an idea of drving down the highway in a rain storm (haha not sure where the rain came from but anyways) i liked how you changed up the beats, however, the main theme didn't really change too much causing a lack in diversity. But overall the song was pretty cool. I might even consider it borderline DnB. Anyways keep up the good work and feel free to check out my music!

    DJ Zeeber

    Tanooki-John responds:

    Wow, thanks. I see you have some interesting tracks yourself. Actually, im just a novice author for now. I am trying to get better. I will listen to your tracks and enjoy them. Thanks for your kind words and stuff. If you find any loops and sample I could use please send some to me, I will see if I can mix them. The ones I currently have arent much and it will be some time before I run out of ideas for them. And dont worry, I will not rip off anyone elses work. And sorry for the lack in diversity.

    nice and simple

    This song was very nice and simple sounding. Although not complex, its simplicity helped compliment its strong points. This song was easy to listen to, very soothing, and very nicely done! I pretty much agree with Crud for the rest!

    Keep it up and keep trying!

    DJ Zeeber

    ShadowMaster66 responds:

    Thank yo for reviewing my songs. I think the most annoying thing about making music is not getting to hear what people even think about it. most of my songs are pretty simple but thats how i like em.


    i liked it

    this song had a decent tempo and it had a unique feel to it. You had a good choice of instruments (some i even recognized lol) and they all fit well together. Although the song was lacking in diversity, it made up for it with original note choice and the song flowed very nicely. It did have a repetative nature to it, however, i liked this song, and look forward to hearing more of your music in the future!

    With a few more melodies (possibly solos) and a changing beat, this song could be rocking! Good work and keep trying! Hope this helped! feel free to check out my music and review it! My AIM is Greensweatshirt5 if you ever want some tips or help!

    DJ Zeeber

    ShadowMaster66 responds:

    Thanks for reviewing. Man like 5 minutes before i put this on it shot down to a 2.50. i hate the people who vote down on peoples stuff to try and make theirs sound better. yea sure ill talk to you on aim sometime.


    Not great.

    It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. It seemed you used preset sequences for most the song, which just repeated over and over. The song itself seems to lack in diversity, perhaps a few other instruments would have helped and more melodies.

    Overall, the song didn't really have any diversity; it just repeated what seemed the main sequence over and over. After a while i was getting bored. Change it up, add some different beats and melodies and use some originality and you could make this much better!

    Perhaps this is a harsh review, but im only trying to help you improve. We all have songs that don't quite make it, so keep trying and improving!

    DJ Zeeber

    Taran-DF666 responds:

    Thanks for the tip man. i just was playing around with the program and came out with that. i wouldent know if its good or not cos i am not into that hole style of music. but i do love making any type of music. thanks for the tips. and no your review wasent harsh. you dident bad mouth me, you helped me, and for that i thank you eh...Dj Zeeber? :-S yah anyway thanks! :-)

    not much melody

    First off it had a great begining. I got into it, but then it faded to the melody. The melody was alright, but nothing speacial, and it seemed out of sinc with the rest of the song. Once it met with the begingin it really seemed misplaced and out of sinc. The beat was pretty basic, but it fit the song. There wasn't much diversity in the song either, it seemed like 3 maybe 4 patterns and it repeated them over and over.

    It was a good attempt, and if you built apon what you have here, you could make this a hopping beat! Nice try, keep it up!

    Sorry to be so critical, only trying to help you improve. Hope this helped!

    DJ Zeeber

    Angel-Of-White responds:

    well this is my first song ever that i made on the full version i used to use the demo but im gonna practice more

    Now THIS i like!

    The begining is awsome! The bassline isnt too bad, although it probably coulda used a chorus or something like that, but it flowed with the song (if maybe just a little accented). And then there was a melody. It was very cool sounding, although some of the effects didn't quite fit, the didn't destroy the song either. This song i think was well done.

    Once the guitar comes in, the song just takes off with solos!! and THAT is COOL! They REALLY add to the song! If you perhaps would have added them throughout the song instead of just one part, it might have kept the flow a little better, but the solos were very well done! If only there were more!

    Good job and keep up the good work! Check out my music as well and review!

    DJ Zeeber (NG name is Zeeber85)

    synteza responds:

    I like that bassline for one main reason: it's a home made square bass. It just sounds so much cooler knowing I made it. Besides that, it's very deep and resonates.

    The effects are the theme, the Ion Storm, but they definitely don't dominate the song, the solos do. They're rather hard to make, so I suppose the only reason there are so little is because of how tedious their creation is.

    Thanks for a well-written review!


    P.S.: I think I over-reverbed the sax!

    Nice work!

    The begining is pretty good, fast paced, yet, it has enough diversity to keep you interested. Perhaps a few sound tweaks (such as volume on some instruments) might help in some areas, but overall its nicely done.

    I song for the most part had good structure, but in some areas i got lost in where the song was going. However, good effort and keep trying! I liked the song!

    Feel free to check out my music and review! (search for Zeeber85)

    DJ Zeeber

    Revuen responds:

    Thank you for the review. Yes i see now that some of the instraments are a bit too loud or soft at times, and hopefully i wont make the same mistake again.
    Thank you again for the wonderful review,

    Time to finish it!

    i liked the intro; It had a nice buildup and diverse sound to it. The song also had an evil feel to it and pulled me into the song. However, beacause it isn't finished it ended before it got "good" so i rated low on effort since it isn't finished.

    As for imporiving the song, i think if you build upon what you have and make some creative melodies and added "dark" effects, you could make this very cool. You are on a good start, so go ahead and finish it. Try not to use deafult pads and effects, but keep it diverse and original sounding. You're off to a good start!

    Check out my music (search for zeeber85) and feel free to rate and review! I hope this was a helpful review and look forward to hearing the completed version!

    DJ Zeeber

    ZioUnleashed responds:

    thanks for the review glad you like the choruses and it will be easy enough adding a evil effect to the rest of the song

    nicely done

    Pretty cool and neat sounding. Has a nice trance feel to it.

    One question i have is what program do you use? I use FL Studio 5 but was just wondering what you use since some of the sound effects were pretty cool.

    cheack out my music!

    synteza responds:

    I use Reason 3.0 and make most of my effects using synths. The raindrops are STOLEN however, haha! (From Reason's public soundbank)

    I'll be sure to check your tunes out, but I'm a bit occupied at the momeny, so maybe next time I look at this review.

    Thanks a mil,


    Im a pilot and currently a college student. I'm majoring in Aviation Science and hope to work for the major airlines in a few years. I make music in my spare time. Go check it out!

    Age 39, Male



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